1. What can you afford each month?

Given your unique credit and employment history, income, debt, and goals, how much will a lender loan  you? You can easily get a rough idea using our calculator.  We will also help you through different scenarios by asking a few simple questions. Based on standard lender guidelines, we give you a good idea of what kind of terms and loan programs you can expect to benefit most from. 

2. Get pre-qualified for your loan.

Provide us with information about your employment, assets, residence history, etc. We will take this along with your credit score and give you a Pre-Qualification Letter. Your real estate agent will use your Pre-Qualification Letter to make the best offer and the seller will know you are pre-qualified. While you are picking out the right home, we’re busy finding the right loan.

3. Found your house? Time to apply.

Once you’ve made an offer and it’s been accepted, it’s time to complete the loan application! It couldn’t

be easier, and you can do it right here on our website. When the time is right, we will order an appraisal of your new home and gather all the documents to complete the loan package.
Apply Online

4. We bring it all together.

Your real estate agent and the seller’s agent will work together to designate an escrow/title company to handle the funding of your loan once it’s approved. We will coordinate with the escrow company to make sure all the papers your lender will need are in order, and you will sign everything at the escrow/title company’s office.

Any lender can be competitive with their rates, but we stand out with our excellent customer service.

The loan process can be a daunting and unpleasant experience.  We strive to make the process as clear and hassle free as possible. This allows you to concentrate on what is most important: finding your perfect home! Whether you are a first-time home buyer, a veteran of our Armed Forces, or needing home equity cash, We are here to help.